Father Thomas Chininis
Cathedral Dean
Phone: 617.731.6633 Mobile: 603.930.7333
Email: frtom@bostoncathedral.org
Rev. Chininis currently serves as Dean of the Annunciation Cathedral. He has previously served as the pastor of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church Lowell, MA, St. Philip Greek Orthodox Church at Nashua, NH, and parishes in Newport, RI and Dallas, TX. He graduated from Wittenberg University at Springfield, OH with a BA in Business Administration and from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline in 1983 with an M.Div. During his last year at Holy Cross he was ordained to the deaconate at Holy Cross Chapel by His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos. In July of that year he was ordained to the priesthood. Rev. Chininis currently serves as president of the Metropolis of Boston Clergy Brotherhood, vice-president of the Archdiocesan Presbyters Council, and is member of the Metropolis of Boston Council. He has held leadership positions with the Nashua Area Interfaith Council, and served as president of the New Hampshire Council of Churches. He has worked extensively with several summer camp programs of the Orthodox Church and has served as advisor to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship groups at Tufts University, UMass-Lowell, and St. Anslem College. He now is the OCF advisor for Northeastern University and the surrounding colleges and universities through the Cathedral Campus Ministry, as well as Boston College. Rev. Chininis and his wife live in the Boston area and is the father of three adult children who also live in the Boston area.